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by Jack Shapiro

Alternative Juto artist dropped his brand new EP ‘Fleece’ this past Friday, December 27th. It’s the third and final EP in his fabric-entitled EP series. The other two, titled ‘Wool’ and ‘Fleece’ released in 2019.

Juto’s a special artist who’s definitely worth giving a listen. If you don’t want to take my word for it, take Lauryn Hill’s. He opened for her for his second show, ever (!!!). He was also featured on Logic’s 2019 soundtrack Supermarket, which wasn’t very critically acclaimed to say the least but hey, you get the point I’m trying to make.

More broadly Juto, (real name Jarius Gay), is a 23-year-old artist from Missouri. He’s dropped a handful of EP’s, but most notably the three previously mentioned. He plays guitar, bass, keyboards, and trombone.

The thing I personally enjoy about his music is how it simultaneously sounds both modern and retro at the same time. It takes a lot of the elements of classic R&B while pulling from many of the aspects of new-age indie as well. If you read the New Music Friday Roundup article from this week, I described his music as sounding like a ‘vintage sweater’. Think like a wool thrifted sweater, that’s the vibe I get.

The EP is seven tracks and spans 18-minutes. It’s a good blend of tunes. There are the ballads like “Honor” and the closer “FRFR” that are much slower and heartfelt, but also the more danceable tracks like “USoCute”. The standout aspect for this EP, which in my opinion is the standout for the prior two EP’s of the series, are the vocals. The vocal layering is so lush. Sounds like a pillow. Whether it’s through carrying a melody or pulling at your heartstrings on a bridge, it grabs you. A moment that stands out to me in particular for this is “Riduh” (which I’m actually listening to as I write this). For one, he slowly adds more layers to each chorus. But by the last chorus, it’s almost overwhelming (in a good way of chorus). It’s a great example of his creativity. He’s also got a bit of a raspy timbre to his voice that’s really nice.

Definitely recommend checking out this EP, but also the other three EP’s in the series as well. Just to throw them out there, “Night Text”, “FAF”, and “Homebody” are all great tracks from his previous EP’s. He’s a dope artist who I think has a bright future!

Have a good one!

Favorites: Riduh, Honor, FRFR

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